Belgrade AM

A new day arrives,
As the stars dissolve,

The cobblestone streets—now glazed with sunlight,
Force the long shadows to retreat,

The relieving summer night is smothered,
By the gentle morning heat,

The nocturnal creatures scramble,
As the birds sing their song,

The trees and plants—once suffocated of light,
Begin to lively breathe again,

The roaring splavs lay to rest,
As the trolleybuses awaken from their slumber,

The bars and cafés reluctantly close,
As the smell of fresh pastries invade the air,

The once youthful city,
Ages quickly,

As the night turns to space,
The morning seizes their place,

That is until,
the night begins their chase.

About the author

Damjan Nastic

Hello, and welcome to my blog! I'm Damjan Nastic, an economics major aspiring to encourage democratic participation amongst my fellow students through this page. I hope my page can offer a different perspective on pressing issues throughout the world.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]!

Thank you.

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